Thursday, October 14, 2010

Neat Hike Close to Home

          I was really busy last Sunday, but I did find some time to go on a hike (with my GPS in hand) close to the HACC area.  If you want to find this hike for yourself just drive North on 11/15 and exit at Duncannon and you will notice some fairly impressive mountains the Susquehanna cuts through (water gaps).  I initially found this hike by word of mouth and it took some searching.  It is called "Hawk Rock;" however, there are so many hikes called hawk rock in the Pennsylvania area that it can be quite confusing.  The view from the top is really unique.  Looking north you can see parts of Perry County and the Susquehanna river.  About half way on the hike there is a rock slide as well.  The Appalachian trail passes through this area.  Total distance is just over two miles round trip and can be done in about an hour and a half.  The peak elevation was about 1,100 ft.

View to the North and West
View to the North and East

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