Saturday, October 23, 2010

Some More Global Pollution

          I found this map to be very interesting as it shows the world’s pollution hotspots from an outer space vantage point. The darkest red areas depict the highest concentrations of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere. Not surprisingly major cities in North America, Europe and China show very high levels of NO2. Africa and SE Asia have higher concentrations because of the vegetation they burn. Interestingly, if you look closely at oceans between continents you can see a light blue steaks especially around the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. These streaks are actually ship tracks.
          Nitrogen can be released into the atmosphere a variety of ways. Naturally it can come from lightning; however, more often it comes from burning fossil fuels, industry and vehicles. Large quantities can contribute to array of health issues mainly respiratory in nature.  It can also contribute to ground level ozone which is harmful as well.

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